
Welcome. With all means of warm and friendly welcome, its been pleasure to welcome all my friends & family members.

The main purpose of this website/blog is to share my experience in this life’s journey and get to know about me in a glance.
Well at present this space is not content rich but I promise,I’ll start writing and filling it as time passes.

That’s not all I Invite you all my friends and family members to share their experience,events etc. over here.
It’ll be fun and something to cherish over years.

There is also a photo gallery (soon) too where there are collection of pictures I have taken over the years and you are invited to add more too.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to Read People's Minds - 3 Secret Ways to Read People's Thoughts

While we haven't yet reached the age of flying cars and robot wars, we have at least reached the point where we know how to read people's minds. These days, there are various methods you can use to know what another person is thinking.
These methods range from the basic to the scientific. If you want to explore the knowledge of how to read people's minds, check out some of these tips below.

Body Language
One of the basic ways on how to read people's minds is by reading their body language. As primitive as this method might seem, not a lot of people seem to know about it or know how to actually use it. However, I'll let you in on some of the key bodily movements that can help you read people's minds.
When talking to a person, notice the direction that their knees are pointed. If the knees are turned towards you, then you know that the other person is interested in you and agrees with what you're saying. On the other hand, it they're turned away from you, then you better think of a way to capture their interest.

Eye Movement
Here's how to read people's minds through their eyes. When a person is trying to create an image out of nothing, they will most likely look upward and to the left.
In the meantime, a person trying to remember a particular image will most likely look upward and to the right. As effective as this method is, don't let it be the last straw when making a decision.

Brain Activity
On a more scientific scale, there has been a small yet significant progress when it comes to knowing how to read people's minds. Neuroscientist Kendrick Kay, along with his colleagues, has stumbled upon a way to determine which image a person is looking at without ever seeing the images before.
According to "Scientific American," the team was able to create a computer model that could read a person's brain activity accurately. That model could read the brightness and angle the person perceived when looking at the picture; so when the series of pictures was presented to the model, it was able to determine which picture the person was looking at by comparing its brightness and angle. Of course, the model is not 100% right all the time as some pictures may have similar amounts of brightness and angle.

Learning how to read people's minds can be interpreted in many, different ways. While we haven't yet reached the point where reading people's minds is as easy as looking above their heads and reading words from a thought bubble, we have at least made it halfway there.

Hypnotic Mind Control Technique

Hypnotic mind control techniques, like anything in this world, come with a certain kind of responsibility. They can help you find favor in a group, become an inspiring leader or spread more goodness in society. However, they can also blow up in your face if you're not careful.
Learn more about them here!

Hypnotic Mind Control Technique # 1: Like Attracts Like.
Getting someone to like you isn't hard, as long as you're observant. And when you finally get someone to like you, getting that person to agree to whatever you're saying is a whole lot easier.
You see, the more a person likes you, the more inclined he is to say yes to you. Call it plain PR, but you can't deny that it works!
If you want somebody's vote, you'd better do your best to make them like you. Why do you think politicians spend so much time and money just to campaign?
One way to get someone to like you is to let them know that you like them first; then they will tend to reciprocate that liking. Even more effective is to let a friend or relative of that person know how much you like that individual, because this comes across as more unbiased and sincere.

Hypnotic Mind Control Technique # 2: Use Familiar Words.
People have a penchant for using the same words over and over again. Some like to use the word "agreed" to conclude meetings while others might find the word "settled" more to their liking.
When trying to control people's minds, you need to listen for certain words the person you're talking to uses, and then try to use that same word as well.
This creates a quick bond or camaraderie between you and the other person - something that is important, especially if you don't know the other person very well.

Hypnotic Mind Control Technique # 3: Directive Nodding.
If you want someone to say "yes" to you, then here's a tip that will come very handy in the future.
When asking someone whether they like your idea or not, always ask, "Good, isn't it?" and then nod your head at them. The nodding prompts them to say "yes" whether they have made up their minds or not.
At first, nodding might feel a little weird, but other people won't notice it at all unless you point it out to them. Use this nodding technique and you'll find yourself getting a lot of positive reactions with little effort.
Hypnotic mind control techniques, when used for good, can have such a wonderful and positive effect on society. Before using these mind control tricks to persuade people, make sure that what you're doing won't hurt anybody. Use them carefully and with a certain degree of responsibility.